Safari Tips

Discover the Unique Bird Species of Tanzania

Tanzania is a dream destination for bird watchers. Home to over 1,100 bird species, including endemic and migratory birds, the country’s diverse habitats provide sanctuary to some of the world’s most remarkable avian species. From the lush forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains to the expansive wetlands and savannahs, Tanzania offers an unparalleled birding experience.

The Avian Diversity of Tanzania

1. Endemic Bird Species

Tanzania is privileged to host a variety of endemic bird species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Some of the most notable endemic species include:

  • Udzungwa Forest Partridge (Xenoperdix udzungwensis): Discovered in 1991, this elusive bird inhabits the Udzungwa Mountains and is known for its striking plumage and secretive nature.
  • Pemba Green Pigeon (Treron pembaensis): Exclusive to Pemba Island, this pigeon is characterized by its vibrant green feathers and distinctive call.
  • Tanzanian Red-Billed Hornbill (Tockus ruahae): Found in the central regions, this hornbill is recognized by its red bill and unique vocalizations.

2. Migratory Birds

Tanzania serves as a crucial stopover for numerous migratory birds traveling between Europe, Asia, and Africa. The country’s varied ecosystems offer resting and feeding grounds for these travelers. Key migratory species include:

  • European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster): Known for their vibrant colors, these birds travel from Europe to Africa during the winter months.
  • Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis): These small raptors migrate from East Asia, covering incredible distances to winter in Tanzania.

Top Birding Spots in Tanzania

1. Serengeti National Park

While famous for its mammalian wildlife, the Serengeti is also a haven for bird watchers. Over 500 bird species have been recorded here, including:

  • Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori): The world’s heaviest flying bird.
  • Grey-breasted Spurfowl (Pternistis rufopictus): An endemic species found in the central Serengeti.

2. Ngorongoro Crater

This UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts an impressive bird list with over 500 species. Key birds to spot include:

  • Lesser Flamingo (Phoenicopterus minor): Often seen in large flocks on the crater lakes.
  • Rosy-throated Longclaw (Macronyx ameliae): A striking grassland species.

3. Lake Manyara National Park

A birding gem, Lake Manyara hosts more than 400 species. Highlights include:

  • Pelicans and Storks: Commonly seen wading in the shallow waters.
  • African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer): Known for its powerful call and striking appearance.

4. Ruaha National Park

This lesser-visited park offers bird watchers a quieter, more intimate experience with over 570 species recorded, including:

  • Ruaha Red-billed Hornbill (Tockus ruahae): Another endemic species.
  • Northern Carmine Bee-eater (Merops nubicus): Easily spotted by its vibrant red plumage.

5. Eastern Arc Mountains

A biodiversity hotspot, the Eastern Arc Mountains are home to several endemic and rare species, such as:

  • Usambara Weaver (Ploceus nicolli): Found only in the Usambara Mountains.
  • Dapple-throat (Arcanator orostruthus): Inhabiting the montane forests of the Eastern Arc.

Conservation Efforts

Tanzania’s rich avian diversity faces threats from habitat loss, climate change, and human activities. Various conservation organizations and government efforts focus on protecting critical habitats and ensuring the survival of these unique species. BirdLife International and the Tanzania Bird Atlas are among the key players in these conservation endeavors.

Tips for Bird Watching in Tanzania

  • Best Time to Visit: The ideal bird watching season is from November to April when migratory birds are present, and many local species are breeding.
  • Guides and Tours: Hiring a knowledgeable birding guide can enhance your experience, helping you spot and identify species more effectively.
  • Equipment: Bring a good pair of binoculars, a field guidebook, and a camera with a telephoto lens to capture stunning bird photos.


Tanzania’s unique bird species and diverse habitats make it a premier destination for bird watchers. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice, the country’s rich avian life offers endless opportunities for discovery and enjoyment. Plan your birding adventure in Tanzania today and witness the splendor of its feathered inhabitants.

By exploring Tanzania’s unique bird species, you’re not only enjoying a rewarding experience but also contributing to the awareness and conservation of these magnificent creatures. Happy birding!

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